Sports Car Photo Gallery

About Racing Sports Cars

General information

Racing Sports Cars (also called RSC) website was launched in February 2002 and its main purpose was to provide a large photo gallery from various forms of sports car racing. While a focus on the photo gallery remains a principal part of the Racing Sports Car project, it has been recently expanded to provide also a huge list of race results and other sports car race related information.

The photos are sorted on race by race basis. Our intention is to show one or more views of every car entered in all of the races. Also a programme cover, an entry list, race schedule and a track map from the official race programme is a part of the archive.

For that reason any kind of contribution is very important for a development and progress of the RSC website. So if you feel that you or any of your friends have a collection of photos from sportscar racing and would provide them with a permission to use them for RSC site, we appreciate it if you contact us. For more details about contributing photos and about their formats, please, click the following link

We are also interested in some kind of financial support such as sponsorship, advertisement on the website or personal donations to keep the website alive as long as possible. For further details please follow this link.

By default photos of all available cars in each race of the photo gallery are sorted by race numbers. Each entry in the race is presented not only by a thumbnail view (if available) but also contains a lot of information about the car, its drivers and results achieved by the team during the meeting. If there is more photos of a single car, previews will rotate automatically as a slideshow. Some of the races in the gallery contain additional unsorted photos, which we felt could nicely extend the main gallery, such as photos from race start, interesting views of the track or photos with a group of cars. All photo galleries are sortable, by race number, car name, race results, grid positions, qualifying heats or all session best lap, depending on what is for any particular race available. This is a new feature from 2009.

Individual race results are available either through 'Championships' menu or, especially if not necessary a part of a championship, it is recommended to use either 'Track' or 'Races' menu option. 'Races' page allow to find a list of races by very specific filtering criteria, such as year from and to, country, championship or known part of its title.

Similar search facility is available for drivers and cars. Car search may be also extented by very detailed search options where it is possible to find a particular car list and select whether it will be shown in a form of a tabular list of results, in a form of a photo gallery or restricted just to records where photos are available. To give an example it is possible to find photos of all mid-engined Porsches raced in a French race between 1975 and 1993, having a Marlboro sponsorship with a paint containing red colour. Searching options are almost unlimited but of course the results depends on quality and completeness of the RSC database. We are still working on its improvement, so any new data, information or missing race results are very much appreciated.


The Racing Sports Cars website is a large project. Any contribution of sports car photos or race programmes (cover, entry list, race schedule and track map scans) is an essential way the RSC project may grow. We very much appreciate all contributions from friends and sports car enthusiasts received so far. If you are new to the website or have some personal collection of photos from sports car racing, we would be happy if you considered your possible contribution for the website. It is an easy way to share even almost forgotten photographs with thousands of people from the entire world.

Even if you do not own any photos, you may still be aware of some friends, photographers, websites or publications that would give their permission to use their photos here on RSC site. Arranging such contribution is also very much appreciated and would save us a lot of time with negotiations etc. Please, just ensure that the photos are not protected by copyright law or just taken off from someone's else website, which is really not a form we would like to support. Less is sometimes more.

We do not use any pictures from books, magazines, other websites or any other sources without prior permission of the photographers, publishers or site owners. But even such photos could be still useful for our personal archive to help to sort out other pictures or to get some additional information about the cars such as a colour scheme, sponsorship, tyres or so. We do believe that all photos on RSC site are used within that criterion. Most of the photos used on RSC site are copyrighted by their original authors, some of them are copyright free. None of the photos presented on can be used for any other purpose than a personal collection without prior agreement of Racing Sports Cars and credited photographer or subject.

In case you think that you have something to contribute, please, send us a message

Format of photos

We accept whatever format of supplied pictures and whatever way to receive them. But since some people continue to ask us for details, we would like to give some general information about the photos that are commonly used in RSC website gallery. All photos on RSC website are in JPG format. Their usual dimension is about 750x450 pixels or similar (other common sizes are for example 800x420, 700x500, 720x480 or 600x600). The JPG compression is usually set to keep the file size within 60 and 100 kilobytes. Programme covers are usually 600 pixels high, entry lists and other document should be as large as they are easily legible.

It is preferred that the contributed photos are larger than this stardard RSC format. We usually crop the redundant background, downsize and adjust the photos by ourselves. Pictures may be sent by email, which is the most common and also preferred way, or sent by post on a CD. For files sent by email it is important to keep each particular message size smaller than 14 MB. It is also possible to send paper photos by post. In this case we would scan them and send carefully back if requested.

Races covered by RSC

Generally we cover almost all sportscar races. We don't have a capacity to include also racing car or touring car races apart from few exceptions mentioned below. RSC covers following championships:

Current series:

  • Le Mans 24 Hours and Le Mans tests & prequalifying sessions
  • Le Mans Series
  • American Le Mans Series
  • FIA GT Championship including GT3 and GT4 races
  • Grand-Am
  • International GT Open
  • National GT series: British, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Belgian, Japanese, Brasilian and Australian ones

Past championships:

  • World Sportscar Championship (1953-1992)
  • Can-Am & USRRC
  • Interserie
  • Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft (DRM) & Supercup
  • British C2 Championship & Thundersports
  • BPR
  • European Sportscar (2-litre) and GT Championships from the 1970s
  • most other national and international sports car and GT races including pre-war sports car races if available

We do not cover:

  • single make championships (except Procar BMW M1 and Jaguar Challenge 1991)
  • historic sportscar racing
  • modern low level sports car racing with mainly cars not conforming with standard FIA or ACO regulations for a top level international racing (groups GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 and LMP1 & LMP2)

This list is of course not quite complete. For example RSC also covers some Trans-Am races but only until 1988. We are also interested in some touring car and formula 1 races. Details can be found in their sections available through the main menu. There are also some touring car races that do not fit those in the ETCC section but we are still interested in them for various reasons. For example the first ever Carrera Panamericana in 1950 was included despite inviting only touring cars that year just to keep a complete record of the famous race. Other example may be some IMSA RS endurance races which were counted toward the World Challenge of Endurance Drivers during the 1978-80 era.

Simply if you like to contribute and were not sure if such race is covered, we always appreciate it if you ask us.

Sponsorship & donations

Financial support is also very important to keep the whole RSC project alive and growing. For that reason we accept any kind of sponsorship or donations to cover the webserver rental cost and other expenses needed to run the project. Our wish is to keep the website alive on the web for many years to come. As it is quite private effort, we really need any support to help to maintain it. For your information the RSC website is updated on daily basis and attracts about 4000 visits daily while at the same time generating about 750 000 page views monthly. To make a donation, please, continue here.


For further information, please, contact us.