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Frequently Asked Questions

You can find here all most commonly asked FAQ. They are sorted in groups. Once the page is fully loaded, select the header of a FAQ group you are interested in:

General Questions

Q: What is main purpose of Racing Sports Cars?

A: We concentrate on history and present of sports car racing, collect photos, information, data & race results, chassis numbers of sports cars and we try to create the most comprehensive archive of sports car racing history available anywhere in the world. All for free available to everybody. For more information read about About page.

Q: Which races does the RSC website cover?

A: Most of the sports car races since the beginning of the 20th century, plus Formula 1 between 1970 and 1982, European Touring Car Cup and Championship 1963-1988 and also Trans-Am 1966-1972 when it was pure touring car series.

Q: Which sports car races RSC does not cover?

A: While we cover basically all sports car road races until 1965 except for vintage and historic racing, since then smaller club races in the US especially the lower classes such as GP, HP or DSR are covered only when part of a bigger race or race meeting. We also do not cover Sports 2000 races which emerged in late 70s, Clubman Sports Cars (except the first few years), one-make series (except for very few interesting ones, such as Procar BMW M1), tube-frame based sports car series and also many modern series based on cars not conforming with standard FIA or ACO regulations for a top level international sports car racing (groups GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 and LMP1 & LMP2). Also many races based on a mix of touring cars and for example GT3 are not covered.

Q: How to contact Racing Sports Cars?

A: Use the Contact Us page. However, please, avoid asking us questions that are either replied here in FAQ or at the contact us page.

Photo Contribution

Q: Which photos can be submitted for the archives?

A: Contributor must have rights to give us a permission to publish them. The photos should be identified by race meeting, which is part of the RSC archive or you believe it should be added there considering our standards.

Q: How the photos can be submitted?

A: Preferred way is to send them to rsc@racingsportscars.com. It is also possible to use some Internet services like sendspace.com, uschovna.cz, mediafire.com after creating one large ZIP file, or to send them by post on a CD.

Q: I have found an interesting photo on web. Can I submit it for contribution?

A: No, please, do not submit photos you have not asked for permission before submitting. In case of any legal issues about the ownership, you will be responsible for sending it as your own. It is impossible for us to check ownership of every single picture we receive.

Q: What is the preferred format of the photos?

A: We prefer JPEG format and the size should be large enough, so that after cropping background behind the car it is still at least 800 pixels wide. Smaller photos can be used, if larger version is not available, but they will be digitally zoomed anyway.

Q: Can I send a photo in PDF format?

A: Please, try to avoid it. Many scanners use this format but it is not a picture format and it adds a lot of additional work to process. Such pictures are likely to be added much later than if sent as a proper image.

Q: I have submitted a photo but it is still not online.

A: This means that it is still in our processing queue. It may takes months, or even years till it can be processed. Better prepared and sorted contributions are likely to be processed much quicker, even within a few days - as our time permits us.

Q: I have a collection of race programmes. How can I help?

A: We do collect four parts of official race programmes. Front cover, relevant entry lists, race schedule/timing and track map. Scans of those are much appreciated but please avoid sending unofficial documents, posters, Internet-based PDF entry lists, etc. We want to use only proper official race programme pages for the archive.

Q: What sizes of photos are used in the galleries?

A: All photos on RSC website are in JPG format. Their usual dimension is about 750x450 pixels or similar (other common sizes are for example 800x420, 700x500, 720x480 or 600x600). The JPG compression is usually set to keep the file size within 60 and 100 kilobytes. Programme covers are usually 600 pixels high, entry lists and other documents should be as large as they are easily legible.

Q: Are the photos that I submit protected?

A: Yes, they are. We add two watermarks to them and a standard right button for easy saving is disabled. They are also properly credited. Credit contains of the Name, Email, Website and URL. They are not mandatory (except for some general name at least). We will use credits which you provide with the photos. If no credits provided, we assume it is OK to use contributor's name and email used to contact us. Of course, we are not able to guarantee that even though they cannot be stolen and misused without our and your permission.


Q: I would like to support your website.

A: We appreciate any financial support, as well as contribution of missing photos, scans of race programme, missing results or correction of existing data.

Q: I like your site and would like to make a donation.

A: Donations are very important to keep our website online, developing it and improving it. Please, use PayPal for such donations. Even very small amounts are appreciated.

Q: I have a company or own business and would like to advertise on RSC website.

A: It is, of course, possible. Please, contact us for more details.

Data and Chassis Numbers

Q: I noticed an error on your site. How to fix it?

A: All errors, mistakes, typos and missing information shall be corrected by ourselves. Please, send us a message with correct or new information and we will update it as soon as possible. A link to the page with the error might help us to locate it.

Q: My dad, grandfather or other family member is listed on RSC site. How can I update his statistics?

A: It is important to know that individual drivers' pages are not created directly, they are calculated from all data in our database. Only information that can be updated directly is full driver's name, date of birth, eventually date if the driver already passed way, and his nationality. To update the racing statistics, it is needed to provide missing individual race results first, and then the driver's data would be recalculated. It is also important to realize, that victories, years of activity and all other info is related only to races naturally covered by the RSC website. Nobody can expect we start adding lower Formula series , CART, WTCC, rallies or hill climb races only to keep the statistics of several drivers more complete.

Q: What does mean chassis number ending with a character #?

A: In many cases, some car histories are known but the chassis number is a mystery, or simply unknown. Some cars, especially in the past had no official chassis numbers, were created from spares and remained unnumbered. In all such cases, in order to track a history of any particular car, we assign them with own chassis notation to be able to index them. In these cases, the chassis number field ends with # in order to simply distinguish from a standards chassis numbers.

Q: Are the chassis numbers reliable?

A: We try to keep them as correct as possible. But we cannot guarantee they are really one hundred per cent correct. Some sources are not reliable, some histories are almost unknown, some sources contradicts each other, sometimes historic race car sellers or owners tend to change the histories intentionally, or unintentionally, to increase the value of their cars and sometimes the chassis plate does not fit the real chassis identity of the car. Most reliable chassis are those they we check personally at the races but even in this case we experienced that we decided to show different but 99.9% correct number than what was shown on the plate we discovered on the car. Another extreme examples were Austrian PRC group CN cars, which are only rarely present in our archive, but which sometimes had two or more chassis numbers printed on various parts of the chassis frame.

Q: Are the individual car histories confirmed?

A: Not always. Sometimes we assign a car, with the same # index based on a fact it was the same type of car driver by the same driver or team for several consecutive races or even years. This help to show all photos and results together in a single page. A problem might appear if several similar but different cars were used during that period. Basically, if we explicitly show a chassis number for any given entry, it is likely correct or really confirmed. If any car appearance is included under some chassis number listing but the chassis number is not shown at the particular race, it is just assumed to be likely the same car but the evidence is not that high we decided to show the number directly.