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Christian Franz, Germany

(Christian Andreas Franz)

Note: These statistics are based only on the results available in the RSC archive database.
They cannot be modified or updated on their own and do not cover entire driver's racing history.

General figures:
Data covers years:2017-2019
Number of events:3
Total entries:3 (contains 3 finishes and 0 retirement, finishing ratio: 100%)
Photos in Gallery:3 (100% of all entries)
Wins:0Additional class wins0
Second place finishes:0Top 3 finishesnot applicable
Third place finishes:0Races finished on podium0
Best result (count):70th (2x)Pole positions0
Notes of interest:
Most frequent co-drivers:Oliver Frisse (1), Nicolas Griebner (1), Joe Moore (1), Kevin Totz (1), Daniel Jolk (1), Emir Asari (1), Sascha Korte (1), Michael Mönch (1), Jan von Kiedrowski (1)
Most frequent makes:BMW (3)
Most frequent types:325i (3)
Most frequent tracks:Nürburgring (3)
Most frequent countries:D (3)

158 - BMW 325i E90 - priconracing