Complete Archive of Lancia (page 3)

Page 3 of 87 (3447 items)<<<123456>>>
Coppa della SilaVI. Coppa della Sila30.6.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 3000 cc
Driven by: Ermenegildo Strazza (I)Result: 2nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 HoursBelgian Touring Car Grand Prix, 24 heures de Spa7.7.1929
1818 - Lancia LambdaLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: Franz Gouvion/SwaelensResult: 4th 1st in 3.0
Colours: darker
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 18/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
Spa 24 HoursBelgian Touring Car Grand Prix, 24 heures de Spa7.7.1929
1919 - Lancia LambdaLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: Frédéric Thelusson (F)/Telesphore Georges (B)Result: 5th
Colours: darker
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 18/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
Spa 24 HoursBelgian Touring Car Grand Prix, 24 heures de Spa7.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3.0
Driven by: Abel Blin d'Orimont/LegrelleResult: 14th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: CavallazziResult: 3rd in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: BuzioResult: 2nd in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: RastelliResult: 4th in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: PalliResult: 8th in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: BerettaResult: 1st in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: LongariResult: 5th in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro Notturno di Lombardia21.7.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia 4 S+1.5/I
Driven by: PriniResult: 7th in S+1.5/I
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
GP GuipúzcoaGran Premio de España para Vehiculos Sport28.7.1929
10The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia S3.0
Driven by: GouvionResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
GP GuipúzcoaGran Premio de España para Vehiculos Sport28.7.1929
11The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia S3.0
Driven by: Blin d'OrimontResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
GP GuipúzcoaGran Premio de España para Vehiculos Sport28.7.1929
12The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia S3.0
Driven by: Conde LegrelleResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Routes Pavées 6 Hours6 Heures des Routes Pavées15.9.1929
42The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia R3.0
Driven by: Voetz
listed, never drove:
Franz Gouvion
Result: did not finish (Accident)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Routes Pavées 6 Hours6 Heures des Routes Pavées15.9.1929
43The car did not arriveLancia - Lancia S3.0
Drivers listed: Abel Blin d'OrimontResult: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Routes Pavées 6 Hours6 Heures des Routes Pavées15.9.1929
44The car did not arriveLancia - Lancia S3.0
Drivers listed: ThelussonResult: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Coppa di Crollalanza3.11.1929
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC
ACI Bari-
Driven by: Giovanni GesmundoResult: winner
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
73The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Bruno/BelleiResult: 43rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
101101 - Lancia Lambda spiderLancia Lambda Spider - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Ermenegildo Strazza (I)/GismondiResult: did not finish
Colours: dark
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 01/08/2024Photo by courtesy of: Pietro Bellina & Olivier Vandecasteele
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
107The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: R. Masera/CaraffiResult: 40th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
119The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Emilio Giacosa/Antonio LazzariResult: did not finish
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
135The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Bottarelli/TognuResult: 57th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
136The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Coda/G. RamellaResult: did not finish
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
148The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda Testa R.P. - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: S. Consonno/RomagnoniResult: 27th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia13.4.1930
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC S+1.1
Driven by: BradleyResult: did not start (Withdrawn)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro di Sicilia6° Giro di Sicilia27.4.1930
48The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda VIII Serie - Lancia V4 2v SOHC S+1.1
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: Ermenegildo Strazza (I)/Luigi Gismondi (I)Result: 4th
Colours: dark
Tyres: unknown
Giro di Sicilia6° Giro di Sicilia27.4.1930
68The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda VI Serie - Lancia V4 2v SOHC S+1.1
Driven by: Giuseppe Claves/TrassariResult: 8th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Circuito Tre Province10.8.1930
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC
Driven by: Ermenegildo Strazza (I)Result: 4th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Fiera del Levante18.9.1930
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC
ACI Lecce-
Driven by: Francesco de DonnoResult: 5th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Fiera del Levante18.9.1930
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC
ACI Foggia-
Driven by: Mario Del BonoResult: winner
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Coppa di Crollalanza20.9.1930
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC
ACI Bari-
Driven by: Bettino Siciliani (I)Result: 2nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia12.4.1931
81The car is not available on a photoLancia Dilambda - Lancia V8 5000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Emilio Giacosa/G. StorariResult: 21st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia12.4.1931
84The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: C. Carini (I)/B. ScesaResult: 27th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Mille MigliaMille Miglia12.4.1931
139The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 3000 cc S+1.1
Driven by: Coda/O. CaligarisResult: 39th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro di Sicilia3.5.1931
60The car is not available on a photoLancia Dilambda 229 Tipo 81 - Lancia S+1.1
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: Ermenegildo Strazza (I)/ValentinoResult: 4th
Colours: darker
Tyres: unknown
Giro di Sicilia3.5.1931
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia S+1.1
Driven by: NicolosiResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Giro di Sicilia3.5.1931
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda VIII Serie - Lancia V4 2v SOHC S+1.1
Driven by: Giuseppe ClavesResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours5.7.1931
The car is not available on a photoLancia - Lancia D3.0
Driven by: Hertzberger/GuillaumeResult: did not finish (Accident)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Fiera del Levante14.9.1931
The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC
ACI Bari-
Driven by: Giuseppe de FilippisResult: 5th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
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