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Programme Cover
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Event: Mille MigliaDate: 27.3.1927
Track: Mille Miglia (I), 1639.700 kmsDistance: 1000 milesAttendance: unknown

Mille Miglia

Non championship race
Start time: 26/3; Grid: unknown; Weather: unknown

Entered: unknown

Practiced: unknown

Started: 77

Classified: 55

Classe B (8000cc) (8.0) : P:1, ST:1, CL:1
Classe C (5000cc) (5.0) : P:2, ST:2, CL:2
Classe D (3000cc) (3.0) : P:25, ST:25, CL:17
Classe E (2000cc) (2.0) : P:15, ST:15, CL:13
Classe F (1500cc) (1.5) : P:14, ST:14, CL:9
Classe G (1100cc) (1.1) : P:17, ST:17, CL:10
Classe H (750cc) (750) : P:3, ST:3, CL:3
Entry List
Entry list is not available.
Photos by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain) (10), Hugo Modderman (2) and Paolo Rovatti (CC-BY-SA-4.0) (2)
Race added to RSC Photo Gallery: 04/02/2012 Last photo update on this page: 07/12/2022
Sort By:    Default  |  Race Numbers  |  Car Names  |  Race Results  |  Grid Positions
33 - Bugatti Brescia modifiéeBugatti Brescia Modifiée - Bugatti L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: G. Favero (I)/C. SalvioniResult: 47th (8h55m20s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 44th
Colours: lighter
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
55 - Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8A SS torpedo #763?Isotta Fraschini Tipo 8A SS Torpedo #763? - 8 7300 cc 8.0
Driven by: Aymo Maggi (I)/B. MaseratiResult: 6th 1st in 8.0 (55m47s600 behind the winner)
Grid: 1st
Colours: dark (+lighter)
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
1313 - OM Tipo 665 Sport - Officine MeccanicheOM Tipo 665 S - OM L6 2000 cc 2.0
Officine Meccaniche-
Driven by: Tino Danieli (I)/Renato Balestrero (I)Result: 2nd (16m05s400 behind the winner)
Grid: 31st
Colours: darker (+light)
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
1414 - OM Tipo 665 Sport - Officine MeccanicheOM Tipo 665 S - OM L6 2000 cc 2.0
Officine Meccaniche-
Driven by: Ferdinando Minoia (I)/Giuseppe Morandi (I)Result: winner - (47.990 kph) - margin: 16m05s400
Grid: 32nd
Colours: darker (+light)
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
2424 - Lancia LambdaLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2400 cc 3.0
Driven by: A. Battaglini/R. BattagliniResult: 16th (2h36m55s400 behind the winner)
Grid: 8th
Colours: dark
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Paolo Rovatti (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
4242 - Alfa Romeo RLSS 22/90Alfa Romeo RLSS 22/90 - Alfa Romeo L6 3000 cc 3.0
Driven by: Gastone Brilli Peri (I)/Bruno PresentiResult: did not finish
Grid: 10th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
4343 - Alfa Romeo RLSS 22/90Alfa Romeo RLSS 22/90 - Alfa Romeo L6 3000 cc 3.0
Driven by: Attilio Marinoni (I)/RamponiResult: did not finish
Grid: 11th
Colours: darker
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 07/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
8989 - Bianchi Tipo 20 Sport TorpedoBianchi Tipo 20 Sport Torpedo - L4 2300 cc 3.0
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: Tazio Nuvolari (I)/Alessandro Cappelli (I)Result: 10th (2h07m13s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 24th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 02/07/2012Photo by courtesy of: Hugo Modderman
9999 - Lancia LambdaLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: U. Pugno/G. BergiaResult: 5th (50m26s400 behind the winner)
Grid: 28th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 04/02/2012Photo by courtesy of: Hugo Modderman
No photos available:
1The car is not available on a photoAmilcar CGS s1.1
Driven by: Alfonso Zampieri (I)/A. BertoldiResult: 24th (4h02m29s200 behind the winner)
Grid: 58th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
2The car is not available on a photoAmilcar CGS s1.1
Driven by: T. Saccomani/M. FiumiResult: 50th (10h59m21s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 59th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
4The car is not available on a photoOM Tipo 469 - OM L4 1496 cc 1.5
Driven by: C. Comelli/BadiniResult: 35th (5h44m23s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 45th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
7The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2400 cc 3.0
Driven by: G. Cirio (I)/G. BennoResult: did not finish
Grid: 4th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
8The car is not available on a photoFiat 501 S - Fiat L4 SV 1460 cc N/A1.5
Driven by: U. Donati/G. TartagliaResult: 38th (6h51m21s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 46th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
9The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: C. Chiabotti/CandianiResult: 46th (8h40m11s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 60th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
10The car is not available on a photoFiat 501 Testa Silvani - Fiat Testa Silvana L4 SV 1460 cc N/A1.5
Driven by: G. Vaccari (I)/A. BoganiResult: did not finish
Grid: 47th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
11The car is not available on a photoOM Tipo 665 S - OM L6 2000 cc 2.0
Driven by: P. Anselmi/Carlo Gazzabini (I)Result: 17th (2h57m25s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 29th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
12The car is not available on a photoOM Tipo 665 S - OM L6 2000 cc 2.0
Officine Meccaniche-
Driven by: Mario Danieli (I)/Archimede Rosa (I)Result: 3rd (23m14s000 behind the winner)
Grid: 30th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
16The car is not available on a photoSAM C25F1.1
Driven by: Gino Crespi/A. VaghiResult: 40th (7h05m16s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 61st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
17The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda Torpedo - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Driven by: Ermenegildo Strazza (I)/A. VaralloResult: 4th 1st in 3.0 (37m59s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 5th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
18The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2400 cc 3.0
Driven by: Ferruccio Radice/Ezio CattaneoResult: 39th (6h56m59s400 behind the winner)
Grid: 6th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
19The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2400 cc 3.0
Driven by: M. Benelli/Filippo BenelliResult: 30th (4h48m25s600 behind the winner)
Grid: 7th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
25The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Driven by: E. Guerrero/A. FrassinelliResult: did not finish
Grid: 9th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
26The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S Guida interna - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: Giorgio Ambrosini/CossalterResult: 42nd (7h11m22s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 62nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
28The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: Francesco Matrullo (I)/FiammiResult: did not finish
Grid: 63rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
30The car is not available on a photoFiat 501 S - Fiat L4 SV 1460 cc N/A1.5
Driven by: Enzo Crotti (I)/BuozziResult: 49th (9h26m26s200 behind the winner)
Grid: 48th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
33The car is not available on a photoItala Tipo 61 - Itala L6 2.0
Driven by: Emilio Bonamico/S. FelicioniResult: 11th (2h11m56s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 33rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
36The car is not available on a photoCeirano S150 - L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: Pietro Cattaneo (I)/L. BeccariaResult: 13th (2h23m40s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 49th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
38The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: N. Manenti/C. RicceriResult: 28th (4h32m14s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 64th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
39The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: P. Moalli/Bortolo FerrariResult: 20th 1st in 1.1 (3h18m52s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 65th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
40The car is not available on a photoFiat 519 S - Fiat L6 4800 cc 5.0
Driven by: E. Weber/B. MenchettiResult: 41st (7h08m03s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 2nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
41The car is not available on a photoFiat 519 S Spider - Fiat L6 4800 cc 5.0
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: E. Silvani/Giovanni MinozziResult: 22nd 1st in 5.0 (3h48m05s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 3rd
Colours: dark
Tyres: unknown
44The car is not available on a photoBianchi Tipo 20 - L4 2300 cc 3.0
Driven by: Natale Romano/Cesare VillaResult: 33rd (5h39m10s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 12th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
45The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 6B - L6 s/c2.0
Driven by: Carlo Bucchetti/E. AlessandriniResult: 23rd (3h53m24s600 behind the winner)
Grid: 34th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
46The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 6B IV serie - L4 3.0
Driven by: Novi/CiompiResult: 27th (4h26m17s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 13th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
47The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 6B IV serie - L4 3.0
Driven by: Albino Marinoni (I)/O. MorbidiniResult: 14th (2h23m55s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 14th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
49The car is not available on a photoAlfa Romeo RLSS 22/90 - Alfa Romeo L6 3000 cc 3.0
Driven by: "Frate Ignoto" (I)/Carlo Sozzi
listed, never drove:
Giovanni Battista Guidotti (I)
Result: 7th (1h01m22s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 15th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
50The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: Giuseppe Gilera (I)/B. GhiringhelliResult: did not finish
Grid: 66th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
51The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: Umberto Capello/TomeiResult: did not finish
Grid: 67th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
52The car is not available on a photoCeirano S150 - L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: G. Viola/A. ViolaResult: did not finish
Grid: 50th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
53The car is not available on a photoFiat 501 S - Fiat L4 SV 1460 cc N/A1.5
Driven by: Emilio Romano (I)/M. MartinelliResult: 43rd (7h11m59s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 51st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
54The car is not available on a photoBugatti Type 40 - Bugatti L4 2.0
Driven by: Claudio Sandonnino/P. ReggianiResult: did not finish
Grid: 35th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
55The car is not available on a photoBugatti Type 40 - Bugatti L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: G. Binda/A. BelgirResult: 12th 1st in 1.5 (2h13m34s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 52nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
58The car is not available on a photoCeirano S150 - L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: Rossato/Filippo TassaraResult: 26th (4h21m38s200 behind the winner)
Grid: 53rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
59The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: Giuseppe Ricci/GayResult: 21st (3h22m44s200 behind the winner)
Grid: 68th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
60The car is not available on a photoSalmson - Salmson L4 1100 cc 1.1
Driven by: Luigi Fagioli (I)/LanziResult: did not finish
Grid: 69th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
61The car is not available on a photoCeirano S150 - L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: Gioacchino Leonardi/C. SpinetoResult: did not finish
Grid: 54th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
63The car is not available on a photoSAM C25F1.1
Driven by: Ezio Barbieri/GuidelliResult: did not finish
Grid: 70th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
64The car is not available on a photoCeirano S150 - L4 1500 cc 1.5
Driven by: Rolli/FontanesiResult: did not finish
Grid: 55th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
65The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 4H - L4 2.0
Driven by: R. Ruvioli/GiombiniResult: did not finish
Grid: 36th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
66The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Driven by: Emilio Giacosa/G. StorariResult: 25th (4h07m35s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 16th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
67The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: Dino Ravasio/A. FozzatoResult: 44th (7h13m07s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 71st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
69The car is not available on a photoFiat 501 S - Fiat L4 SV 1460 cc N/A1.5
Driven by: Piero Lissoni/E. FumagalliResult: did not finish
Grid: 56th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
71The car is not available on a photoItala Tipo 61 - Itala L6 2000 cc 2.0
Driven by: Franco Cortese (I)/M. BaronciniResult: 8th (1h40m58s000 behind the winner)
Grid: 37th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
72The car is not available on a photoItala Tipo 61 - Itala L6 2.0
Driven by: Ernesto Tamburi/A. Attili (I)Result: 15th (2h36m21s200 behind the winner)
Grid: 38th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
73The car is not available on a photoItala Tipo 61 Berlina Aerodinamica - Itala L6 2.0
Driven by: Rino Casarotti (I)/A. MarinoResult: 48th (9h25m48s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 39th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
74The car is not available on a photoAlfa Romeo RLSS 22/90 - Alfa Romeo L6 3000 cc 3.0
Driven by: W. Gutermann/R. MunaronResult: 9th (1h49m08s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 17th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
75The car is not available on a photoOM Tipo 665 S - OM L6 2000 cc 2.0
Driven by: A. Antici/GrasselliResult: 29th (4h44m45s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 40th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
76The car is not available on a photoOM Tipo 665 S - OM L6 2000 cc 2.0
Driven by: Emilio Bernardi/PasseriniResult: 37th (6h43m59s000 behind the winner)
Grid: 41st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
77The car is not available on a photoFiat 501 Testa Silvani - Fiat Testa Silvana L4 SV 1460 cc N/A1.5
Driven by: A. Arrivabene/GattiResult: 52nd (12h41m29s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 57th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
79The car is not available on a photoDiatto Tipo 35 - L4 3.0
Driven by: G. Aymini/DelpodioResult: did not finish
Grid: 18th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
80The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Driven by: G. Ceratto (I)/F. SartorioResult: did not finish
Grid: 19th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
81The car is not available on a photoDiatto Tipo 26 - 8 3.0
Driven by: E. Giraudo/P. PaglieroResult: 19th (3h14m06s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 20th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
82The car is not available on a photoPeugeot 5CV Tipo MM - Peugeot L4 750 cc 750
Driven by: Lauvergne/LabergueResult: 55th (16h45m44s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 75th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
83The car is not available on a photoPeugeot 5CV Tipo MM - Peugeot L4 750 cc 750
Driven by: Du Petit Thouars/L. SiregniResult: 54th (16h43m37s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 76th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
84The car is not available on a photoPeugeot 5CV Tipo MM - Peugeot L4 750 cc 750
Driven by: Giuseppe Cazzulani/MonferroniResult: 53rd 1st in 750 (12h46m44s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 77th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
85The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 6B IV serie3.0
Driven by: Corrado Lotti/A. Bartolini (I)Result: 34th (5h41m14s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 21st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
86The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 6B IV serie - L4 3.0
Driven by: A. Bornigia/MasseiResult: did not finish
Grid: 22nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
88The car is not available on a photoBianchi Tipo 20 Sport - L4 2300 cc 3.0
Driven by: F. Pirola/C. PensiResult: 51st (11h11m00s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 23rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
90The car is not available on a photoLancia Lambda - Lancia V4 2v SOHC 2100 cc 3.0
Driven by: C. Moschini/A. ConcariResult: 32nd (5h31m30s400 behind the winner)
Grid: 25th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
92The car is not available on a photoFiat 509 S - Fiat L4 2v SOHC 990 cc N/A1.1
Driven by: M. Riolo/GeriResult: did not finish
Grid: 72nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
93The car is not available on a photoAmilcar CGS s1.1
Driven by: Giovanni Portioli/G. Dall'OlioResult: did not finish
Grid: 73rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
94The car is not available on a photoAlfa Romeo RLSS 22/90 - Alfa Romeo L6 3000 cc 3.0
Driven by: L. Arpinati/R. BertoniResult: did not finish
Grid: 26th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
95The car is not available on a photoDiatto Tipo 35 - L4 3.0
Driven by: Cesare Schieppati/G. FerrettiResult: 18th (3h00m12s400 behind the winner)
Grid: 27th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
96The car is not available on a photoDiatto Tipo 30 - 8 2.0
Driven by: A. Sansoni/L. VianoResult: 31st (5h27m33s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 42nd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
100The car is not available on a photoAnsaldo 4H - L4 2.0
Driven by: Stanislao Terziani/Guis. FortiResult: 36th (5h54m34s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 43rd
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
101The car is not available on a photoAmilcar CGS s1.1
Driven by: L. Negri/BattacchiResult: 45th (8h38m25s800 behind the winner)
Grid: 74th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photo  Spider
Result: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
If you have a picture of any car that is missing in the gallery or you might have a better photo, please, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
More photos from this race: