All Results of Chassis Kelly 001

About Chassis Numbers

Year: 1963

1.6.1963Player's 200 Mosport81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyTrenton Dairy Queen ProductsDNF
23.6.1963MMGCC St. Eugene I [SR/Production +2.5]Kelly Special #001Wayne Kelly2nd
30.6.1963GP Watkins Glen81Kelly Special #001Wayne Kelly10th
7.7.1963Preliminary Burlington Harewood Acres [Production]Kelly Special #001Wayne Kelly3rd
7.7.1963Burlington Harewood Acres [Main]Kelly Special #001Wayne Kellyraced
27.7.1963OLCC Mosport [Main]81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyDairy Queen Productsraced
27.7.1963Preliminary Mosport [Modified+AP+BP+CP+FJr.]81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyDairy Queen ProductsDNA
24.8.1963SCCA National Watkins Glen [CM+DM+EM+FM]81Kelly Special #001Wayne Kelly5th
22.9.1963USRRC Mid-Ohio87Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyBata Shoe Co. of CanadaDNF
28.9.1963GP Canada Mosport81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyWayne Kelly13th

Year: 1964

6.6.1964Player's 200 Mosport81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyBata Shoe Co. (Canada)18th
20.6.1964Spring Trophy MosportKelly Special #001Wayne Kelly4th
28.6.1964GP Watkins Glen81Kelly Special #001Ray ParsonsBata Shoe Co. of Canada14th
11.7.1964LASC Harewood Acres [Final]Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyDNF
11.7.1964LASC Harewood Acres [S+1.6]Kelly Special #001Wayne Kelly2nd
11.7.1964LASC Harewood Acres [UR]Kelly Special #001Wayne Kelly1st
13.9.1964Mont-Tremblant [SP]81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyRobert Bosch (Canada) Ltd.4th
26.9.1964GP Canada Mosport81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyBata Shoe Co. Ltd.DNF
4.12.1964Governor's Trophy65Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyGrant Clark44th
5.12.1964Nassau Classic65Kelly Special #001Grant ClarkGrant Clark10th
6.12.1964Nassau Trophy65Kelly Special #001Grant ClarkGrant Clark5th

Year: 1965

29.5.1965Pepsi-Cola Mont-Tremblant81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyDNA
5.6.1965Player's 200 Mosport81Kelly Special #001Wayne KellyWayne Kelly10th
19.6.1965Spring Trophy MosportKelly Special #001Wayne KellyDNF
19.9.1965Player's Mont-TremblantKelly Special #001Wayne Kellyraced

Year: 1967

13.5.1967MosportKelly Special #001Horst Kroll2nd
11.6.1967Mont-Tremblant37Kelly Special #001Horst Kroll7th
2.7.1967National MacDonald34Kelly Special #001Horst KrollCRDA4th
9.7.1967ShepardKelly Special #001Horst Kroll4th
30.7.1967Mont-TremblantKelly Special #001Horst Krollraced
27.8.1967GP Mosport37Kelly Special #001Horst KrollHorst Krollraced
17.9.1967Revson Trophy Mont-TremblantKelly Special #001Horst KrollDNF
23.9.1967Mosport [SR2.0]37Kelly Special #001Horst KrollAltona MotorsDNA

Year: 1968

2.6.1968USRRC St. Jovite37Kelly Special #001Horst Kroll13th
8.6.1968Harewood Acres [Main]Kelly Special #001Horst KrollRobert Bosch2nd
13.7.1968USRRC Watkins Glen37Kelly Special #001Horst KrollAltona Motors9th
28.7.1968500 mile Road America37Kelly Special #001Kroll / KellyAltona Motors19th
18.8.1968USRRC Mid-Ohio37Kelly Special #001Horst KrollHorst Kroll12th