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Programme Cover
Programme Cover - Paris 12 Hours 1950
Event: Date: 23.7.1950
Track: Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry (F), unknown lengthDistance: 12 hoursAttendance: unknown

Paris 12 Hours

Non championship race
Start time: unknown; Grid: unknown; Weather: unknown

Entered: unknown

Practiced: unknown

Started: unknown


Entry List
Entry list is not available.
Photos by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain) (6)
Race added to RSC Photo Gallery: 19/02/2024 Last photo update on this page: 19/02/2024
Sort By:    Default  |  Race Numbers  |  Car Names  |  Race Results
55 - Delahaye 135Delahaye 135 # - Delahaye L6 3600 cc S+3.0
Open bodywork with separated mudguards
Driven by: Auriac/RouxelResult: 6th 1st in S+3.0
Colours: lighter
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 19/02/2024Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
1616 - Ferrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta #0052M - Luigi ChinettiFerrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta #0052M - Ferrari V12/60° 2v SOHC 2000 cc N/AS2.0
Luigi ChinettiOpen bodywork
Driven by: Luigi Chinetti (I)/Jean Lucas (F)Result: winner - (111.839 kph)
Colours: darker
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 19/02/2024Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
1818 - Ferrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta #0014M - Herman RoosdorpFerrari 166 MM Touring Barchetta #0014M - Ferrari no:0012M V12/60° 2v SOHC 2000 cc N/AS2.0
Herman Roosdorp (NL)Open bodywork
Driven by: Herman Roosdorp (NL)/André Pilette (B)Result: 3rd
Colours: lighter
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 19/02/2024Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
6262 - DB - PanhardDB - Panhard F2 S750
Open bodywork
Driven by: Michel Aunaud (F)/André Beaulieux (F)Result: 5th 1st in S750
Colours: darker
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 19/02/2024Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
No photos available:
1The car is not available on a photoDelettrez Diezel - L6 4400 cc DieselS+3.0
Driven by: Jean Delettrez (F)/Jacques Delettrez (F)Result: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
2The car is not available on a photoTalbot-Lago MD #90131 - Talbot-Lago L6 4500 cc S+3.0
Pierre Meyrat-
Driven by: Pierre Meyrat (F)/Guy Mairesse (F)Result: did not finish
Grid: 1st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
3The car is not available on a photoTalbot-Lago Spéciale #82930 - Talbot-Lago L6 4000 cc S+3.0
Jean Estager-
Driven by: Jean Estager (F)Result: did not finish
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
6The car is not available on a photoTalbot-Lago T26GS #110055 - Talbot-Lago L6 4500 cc S+3.0
Louis Rosier-
Driven by: Jean-Louis Rosier (F)/Henri Louveau (F)Result: did not finish
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
9The car is not available on a photoDelage D6-3L #880005 - Delage L6 3000 cc N/AS3.0
Marc Versini-
Driven by: Marc Versini (F)/Maurice Varet (F)Result: did not finish
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
14The car is not available on a photoDelage D6-3L #880001 - Delage L6 3000 cc N/AS3.0
Driven by: Louis Gérard (F)/de St. DidierResult: 2nd 1st in S3.0
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
19The car is not available on a photoHW Alta - L4 2000 cc S2.0
Tom Meyer (GB)-
Driven by: Phillip Fotheringham-Parker (GB)/Tom Meyer (GB)Result: 7th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
20The car is not available on a photoVeritas - L6 2000 cc S2.0
Driven by: J. Reiffers (L)/F. Mullers (L)Result: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
23The car is not available on a photoVeritas RS/2 #57044 - BMW L6 2000 cc S2.0
Ecurie Belgique (B)-
Driven by: Swaters/de TornacoResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
24The car is not available on a photoPeugeot - Peugeot S2.0
Driven by: Escale/EggenResult: 17th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
27The car is not available on a photoVeritas - L6 2000 cc S2.0
Driven by: Francois Vermeulen (B)/LegatResult: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
31The car is not available on a photoAero Minor Sport 750 # - Aero S750
Jacques Poch (F)-
Driven by: Jacques Poch (F)/MoucheResult: 14th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
34The car is not available on a photoSimca-Gordini T15S #0016GCS - Gordini no:T15 L4 1500 cc S1.5
Driven by: Maurice Trintignant (F)/Roger Loyer (F)Result: did not finish (Suspension)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
37The car is not available on a photoSimca-Gordini T15S #0020S - Simca no:T15 L4 1500 cc S1.5
Automobiles Gordini-
Driven by: Aldo Gordini (F)/Ernesto Tornquist (RA)Result: did not finish (Engine)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
41The car is not available on a photoSimca Dého #104S? - Simca L4 1100 cc S1.1
Driven by: Henri Riou (F)Result: 11th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
47The car is not available on a photoSimca-Gordini TMM #0001GCS - Gordini no:500136 L4 1100 cc S1.1
Sacha Gordine-
Driven by: Sacha Gordine (F)/Pierre Veyron (F)Result: 4th 1st in S1.1
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoVeritas - L6 2000 cc S2.0
Result: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoSimca-Gordini T15S # - Simca L4 1500 cc N/AS1.5
Driven by: Robert Manzon (F)/André Simon (F)Result: did not finish (Engine)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoVeritas - L6 2000 cc
Result: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoSimca - Simca S1.1
Driven by: Lecerf/CharlotResult: 21st
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoSimca - Simca S1.1
Driven by: Caron/GuillardResult: 13th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoDBS750
Driven by: Bonnet/BayolResult: 18th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoPanhard Dyna - Panhard S750
Driven by: Chancel/DebilleResult: 16th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoHardy Spéciale - N/AS750
Driven by: Hardy/DemeureResult: 20th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoMonopoleS1.1
Driven by: Liénard/GuerneResult: 8th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoAston Martin 1 ½ Ulster #LM18 - Aston Martin L4 1500 cc N/AS1.5
Victor Polledry-
Driven by: Victor Polledry (F)Result: 15th 1st in S1.5
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoBMW - BMW S750
Driven by: Michel/MalleretResult: 19th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoCisitaliaS1.1
Driven by: Grange/AvenelResult: 12th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoSimca - Simca S1.1
Driven by: Eckerlein/ClausseResult: 10th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoSimca - Simca S1.1
Driven by: Fanfani/ChevrisResult: 9th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
If you have a picture of any car that is missing in the gallery or you might have a better photo, please, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Entered cars that did not arrive:
4The car did not arriveDelahaye 135 CS - Delahaye L6 2v OHV 3557 cc N/AS+3.0
Drivers listed: Henry Leblanc (F)Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
10The car did not arriveDelage D6-3L - Delage L6 3000 cc N/AS3.0
Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
11The car did not arriveDelage D6-3L # - Delage L6 3000 cc N/AS3.0
Drivers listed: VeuilletResult: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
17The car did not arriveFerrari - Ferrari N/AS2.0
Drivers listed: Jean Lucas (F)/Lord Selsdon (GB)Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
21The car did not arriveDB - Citroën L4 2000 cc S2.0
Drivers listed: René Simone (F)Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
22The car did not arrivePeugeot - Peugeot S2.0
Drivers listed: G. Guillaumet (F)Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
25The car did not arriveBMW - BMW S2.0
Drivers listed: Orley/BalsaResult: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
26The car did not arriveBMW - BMW S2.0
Drivers listed: WagnerResult: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car did not arriveFiat 1500 Special - Fiat L6 1500 cc
Drivers listed: Maurice Gatsonides (NL)/Georges Trouis (F)Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
More photos from this race:
Photos by: Wikipedia (Public Domain) (2)
Additional Photo - Paris 12 Hours 1950 Additional Photo - Paris 12 Hours 1950