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Programme Cover
Programme cover is not available.
Event: Date: 27.5.1934
Track: Orleans (F), unknown lengthDistance: unknownAttendance: 20000

Circuit d'Orleans

Non championship race
Start time: unknown; Grid: unknown; Weather: unknown

Entered: 54

Practiced: unknown

Started: unknown


Touring and Sports +5000 & +2500 compressor (T/S+5.0)
Touring and Sports 5000 & 2500 compressor (T/S5.0)
Touring and Sports 3000 & 1500 compressor (T/S3.0)
Touring and Sports 1500 & 1100 compressor (T/S1.5)
Touring and Sports 1100 & 750 compressor (T/S1.1)
Entry List
Entry list is not available.
Photo contributions appreciated
Not in RSC Photo Gallery
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No photos available:
1The car is not available on a photoAmilcarT/S1.1
Driven by: PousseResult: 2nd in T/S1.1 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
2The car is not available on a photoFiat - Fiat T/S1.1
Driven by: PelleResult: 1st in T/S1.1 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
3The car is not available on a photoAmilcarT/S1.1
Driven by: PoiréResult: 4th in T/S1.1 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
6The car is not available on a photoAmilcarT/S1.1
Driven by: van ParijsResult: 3rd in T/S1.1 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
18The car is not available on a photoRallyT/S1.5
Driven by: BrunotResult: 4th in T/S1.5 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
20The car is not available on a photoRallyT/S1.5
Driven by: ScordeiResult: 2nd in T/S1.5 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
22The car is not available on a photoAmilcarT/S1.5
Driven by: RoyResult: 3rd in T/S1.5 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
25The car is not available on a photoPeugeot - Peugeot T/S1.5
Driven by: Mlle HustinxResult: 4th in T/S1.5 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
26The car is not available on a photoDerbyT/S1.5
Driven by: FouassierResult: 1st in T/S1.5 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
33The car is not available on a photoCitroën - Citroën T/S3.0
Driven by: PoussetResult: 3rd in T/S3.0 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
34The car is not available on a photoAriès - Ariès T/S3.0
Driven by: MarienneResult: 5th in T/S3.0 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
35The car is not available on a photoPeugeot - Peugeot T/S3.0
Driven by: de CortanzeResult: 4th in T/S3.0 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
36The car is not available on a photoDelahaye - Delahaye T/S5.0
Driven by: QuinaultResult: 5th (1m41s000 behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
37The car is not available on a photoBugatti - Bugatti T/S5.0
Driven by: BayardResult: 3rd (1m17s000 behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
38The car is not available on a photoHotchkissT/S3.0
Driven by: FalckResult: 2nd in T/S3.0 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
39The car is not available on a photoHotchkissT/S5.0
Driven by: VasselleResult: winner - (92.671 kph) - margin: 1m06s000
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
40The car is not available on a photoSudebakerT/S5.0
Driven by: GauthierResult: 6th in T/S5.0 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
42The car is not available on a photoLorraine - Lorraine N/AT/S5.0
Driven by: Mme GédonResult: 8th in T/S5.0 (3 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
43The car is not available on a photoBugatti - Bugatti T/S5.0
Driven by: de TudertResult: 2nd (1m06s000 behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
44The car is not available on a photoRenault - Renault T/S5.0
Driven by: DuruyResult: 5th in T/S5.0 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
45The car is not available on a photoBugatti - Bugatti T/S+5.0
Driven by: MatileResult: 4th 1st in T/S+5.0 (1m40s000 behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
46The car is not available on a photoLorraine # - Lorraine N/AT/S+5.0
Driven by: StalterResult: 2nd in T/S+5.0 (1 lap behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
51The car is not available on a photoBugatti - Bugatti T/S3.0
Driven by: ReyResult: 1st in T/S3.0 (1m32s000 behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
The car is not available on a photoPanhard - Panhard T/S5.0
Driven by: RaquinResult: 7th in T/S5.0 (2 laps behind the winner)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
If you have a picture of any car that is missing in the gallery or you might have a better photo, please, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Entered cars that did not arrive:
4The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: DelpechResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
5The presence of the car is unknownFiat - Fiat T/S1.1
Drivers listed: GordiniResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
7The presence of the car is unknownMathisT/S1.1
Drivers listed: SireudeResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
8The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: BuquetResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
9The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: de GavardieResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
10The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: HerminezResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
11The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: Fernande Roux (F)Result: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
12The presence of the car is unknownDerbyT/S1.5
Drivers listed: LucResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
13The presence of the car is unknownCorre La Licorne - N/AT/S1.5
Drivers listed: VallonResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
14The presence of the car is unknownPeugeot - Peugeot T/S1.1
Drivers listed: Olga ThibaultResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
15The presence of the car is unknownRosengart #T/S1.1
Drivers listed: JacobResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
16The presence of the car is unknownAmilcar - Amilcar T/S1.1
Drivers listed: DurayResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
17The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: ChaponResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
19The presence of the car is unknownCorre La Licorne - N/AT/S1.5
Drivers listed: Mme LiévinResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
21The presence of the car is unknownPeugeot - Peugeot T/S1.5
Drivers listed: MoratResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
23The presence of the car is unknownCambarrotT/S1.5
Drivers listed: BarclayResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
24The presence of the car is unknownPeugeot - Peugeot T/S1.5
Drivers listed: Mme LeblancResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
27The presence of the car is unknownDelage - Delage T/S3.0
Drivers listed: BourinetResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
28The presence of the car is unknownVoisinT/S3.0
Drivers listed: MorensResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
29The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S3.0
Drivers listed: DeschampsResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
30The presence of the car is unknownBugatti - Bugatti T/S3.0
Drivers listed: "Renaldi"Result: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
31The presence of the car is unknownCitroën - Citroën T/S3.0
Drivers listed: JandelliResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
32The presence of the car is unknownTractaT/S3.0
Drivers listed: GaurbinResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
41The presence of the car is unknownHotchkissT/S5.0
Drivers listed: ValetteResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
47The presence of the car is unknownPackardT/S+5.0
Drivers listed: Mme de SaugeResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
48The presence of the car is unknownMathisT/S+5.0
Drivers listed: de BrémondResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
49The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: CirouResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
50The presence of the car is unknownAmilcarT/S1.1
Drivers listed: Mme PruvostResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
53The presence of the car is unknownBugatti - Bugatti T/S5.0
Drivers listed: Charles Brunet (F)Result: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
55The presence of the car is unknownB.N.C.T/S1.1
Drivers listed: LemaitreResult: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown