Complete Archive of Bandini GT

SCCA Regional Daytona [Main]Central Florida Region Daytona Races6.3.1960
The car is not available on a photoBandini GT - Fiat
Driven by: Victor Lukens (USA)Result: started, result unknown
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Sebring 12 HoursTenth Annual Sebring International Grand Prix of Endurance for the Amoco Trophy26.3.1960
62The car did not arriveBandini GT - Fiat N/AS850
Racemasters (USA)-
Drivers listed: Victor Lukens (USA)Result: did not arrive
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Sebring 12 HoursTenth Annual Sebring International Grand Prix of Endurance for the Amoco Trophy26.3.1960
6767 - Bandini - Fiat - RacemastersBandini GT - Fiat 747 cc N/AS850
Racemasters (USA)Closed bodywork
Driven by: Victor Lukens (USA)/Fred Haynes (USA)
Al Penn (USA); listed, never drove: Paul Richards (USA), Steve Wilder (USA)
Result: did not finish (Radiator damaged)
Colours: white (+red)
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 23/12/2022Photo by courtesy of: Wikipedia (Public Domain)
SCCA Regional Watkins Glen [HM+FJr.]Glen Classic25.6.1960
The car is not available on a photoBandini GT - Fiat HM
Driven by: Victor Lukens (USA)Result: 1st in HM
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
SCCA Interclub Bridgehampton [GM+HM+FIII]2nd Annual Inter-club Championship Bridgehampton28.8.1960
51The presence of the car is unknownBandini GT - Fiat HM
Drivers listed: Victor Lukens (USA)Result: did not arrive (Not known if ran)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
SCCA National Thompson [GM+HM]5.9.1960
67The car is not available on a photoBandini GT - Fiat N/AHM
Driven by: Victor Lukens (USA)Result: 7th
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown