Complete Archive of Michel Maillien

Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps, Trophee Diners Club26.7.1981
6565 - VW Scirocco GTi - BBL TeamVW Scirocco GTI - VW L4 1596 cc N/Aser.T1.6
BBL TeamClosed bodywork
Driven by: Francesco Cerulli-Irelli (I)/Michel Bourjade (F)/Michel Maillien (B)
listed, never drove:
Bernard Carlier (B), Pierre Vaillant (B)
Result: did not finish
Grid: 52nd (3:05.200)
Colours: green/dark blue (+purple)
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 19/04/2016Photo by courtesy of: Marc Boels
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps1.8.1982
69The car is not available on a photoVW Scirocco - VW L4 1596 cc N/ADiv.1
Belgian Audi VW Club (B)Closed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Didier Theys (B)/Jean Wansart (B)
listed, never drove:
J. P. Prosnitz (B)
Result: did not finish (Clutch)
Grid: 44th (3:07.680)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours24 H/U Francorchamps31.7.1983
6464 - VW Scirocco - Belgian Audi VW ClubVW Scirocco - VW L4 1596 cc N/ADiv.1
Belgian Audi VW ClubClosed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Guy Renard (B)/JamotteResult: 19th
Grid: 52nd (3:04.810)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 14/04/2023Photo by courtesy of: JM Waroquier
ETCC ZolderE.G. Trophy Zolder25.9.1983
8181 - VW Scirocco - Belgian VW ClubVW Scirocco - VW L4 1596 cc N/ADiv.1
Belgian VW Club (B)Closed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Roger Jones (GB)Result: did not start
Colours: black
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 25/07/2013Photo by courtesy of: Le Mans Models
Spa 24 Hours24 H/U Francorchamps29.7.1984
5050 - Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6 - Luigi RacingAlfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6 # - Alfa Romeo V6 2491 cc N/ADiv.2
Luigi RacingClosed bodywork
Driven by: "Spiffero" (I)/François-Xavier Boucher (B)/MaillienResult: did not finish (Engine)
Grid: 30th (2:52.370)
Colours: yellow (+black)
Tyres: Pirelli
Photo updated: 20/05/2009Photo by courtesy of: Marco Curti
Spa 1000 Kilometres1000 km Rothmans Spa-Francorchamps2.9.1984
106106 - BMW M1 #WBS59910004301062 - Helmut GallBMW M1 #WBS59910004301062 - BMW M88 L6 4v DOHC 3498 cc N/AB
Helmut Gall (D)Closed bodywork
Driven by: Edgar Dören (D)/Michel Maillien (B)/Helmut Gall (D)
listed, never drove:
Kurt König (D)
Result: 13th
Grid: 25th (2:45.800)
Colours: white
Tyres: Dunlop
Photo updated: 28/05/2005Photo by courtesy of: Norbert Vogel
Spa 1000 Kilometres1000 km Rothmans Spa-Francorchamps2.9.1984
119119 - Porsche 930 - Toison D'OrPorsche 930 - Porsche 930/60 F6 2v SOHC 3299 cc 1xKKKB
Toison D'Or (F)Closed bodywork
Driven by: Bernard Carlier (B)/François-Xavier Boucher (B)/Marc Vensterman (B)
listed, never drove:
Michel Maillien (B)
Result: 16th
Grid: 26th (2:54.470)
Colours: white
Tyres: Dunlop
Photo updated: 16/05/2004Photo by courtesy of: Le Mans Models
ETCC ZolderE.G. Trophy Zolder29.9.1985
2727 - BMW 635 CSi - Cibiemme SportBMW 635 CSi # - BMW M30 L6 2v SOHC 3475 cc N/ADiv.3
Cibiemme SportClosed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Georges Bosshard (CH)Result: did not finish (Accident)
Grid: 12th (1:48.580)
Colours: white/blue (+red/yellow)
Tyres: Pirelli
Photo updated: 05/07/2013Photo by courtesy of: Le Mans Models
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy3.8.1986
4141 - Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6 - Jolly ClubAlfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6 - Alfa Romeo V6 2491 cc N/ADiv.2
Jolly ClubClosed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Quirin Bovy (B)/"Faustein"
listed, never drove:
Giovanni Lavaggi (I), Marcello Cipriani (I)
Result: 9th
Grid: 43rd (2:52.830)
Colours: green
Tyres: Pirelli
Photo updated: 08/03/2019Photo by courtesy of: Pascal Verheuge and Glyn Parham
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps2.8.1987
1313 - Rover Vitesse - Zeus Computers RacingRover Vitesse - Rover V8 3532 cc N/ADiv.3
Zeus Computers RacingClosed bodywork
Driven by: Quirin Bovy (B)/Michel Maillien (B)/Vincent Bertinchamps (B)Result: did not finish (Gearbox)
Grid: 41st (2:49.930) - 42nd fastest qualifier
Colours: white (+orange)
Tyres: Dunlop
Photo updated: 10/04/2023Photo by courtesy of: Jean-Marie Francois and Glyn Parham
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy31.7.1988
31The car is not available on a photoRover Vitesse - Rover V8 3532 cc N/ADiv.3
EurodefiClosed bodywork
Driven by: Quirin Bovy (B)/Michel Maillien (B)/Jean-Claude Lagniez (F)Result: did not finish (Rear axle)
Grid: 36th (2:49.090)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy23.7.1989
5353 - Honda CRX - Ecurie BruxelloiseHonda CRX - Honda L4 1595 cc N/AN/Div.2
Ecurie BruxelloiseClosed bodywork
Driven by: Gilbert Vingerhoed (B)/Michel Maillien (B)Result: 29th
Grid: 54th (3:03.360)
Colours: yellow/black
Tyres: Dunlop
Photo updated: 16/03/2019Photo by courtesy of: Pascal Verheuge
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy22.7.1990
1212 - BMW M3 Evo - Team MastopBMW M3 Evo - BMW L4 2332 cc N/AA-Class 2
Team MastopClosed bodywork
Driven by: Giovanni Bruno (I)/Michel Maillien (B)/Philippe Monfils (B)
listed, never drove:
Georg Severich (D)
Result: 27th 1st in A-Class 2
Grid: 23rd (2:49.280)
Colours: blue
Tyres: Pirelli
Photo updated: 25/04/2006Photo by courtesy of: Paul Kooyman
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy4.8.1991
10The car is not available on a photoBMW M3 Sport Evo - BMW L4 2492 cc N/AA/Div.2
Team Mastop (B)Closed bodywork
Driven by: Vincent Bertinchamps (B)/Michel Maillien (B)/Franz Dufter (D)
listed, never drove:
Andy Bovensiepen (D)
Result: did not finish (Engine)
Grid: 8th (2:41.890)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy2.8.1992
71The car is not available on a photoHonda Civic VTi - Honda L4 1595 cc N/ANB1.6
Ecurie 'Le Perron'Closed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/M. Libert (B)/Ch. Sormani (F)
listed, never drove:
G. Bruno (B)
Result: did not qualify
Grid: 68th (3:06.450) - 69th fastest qualifier
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours24 Heures de Francorchamps1.8.1993
59The car is not available on a photoPorsche 964 Carrera 2 - Porsche F6 N/APro GT
ExcelsiorClosed bodywork
Driven by: Albert Vanierschot (B)/Michel Maillien (B)/David Saelens (B)
listed, never drove:
Tom Langeberg (NL)
Result: 11th
Grid: 21st (2:44.830)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours24 H/U Francorchamps - Lotto Trophy24.7.1994
29The car is not available on a photoHonda Civic V-Tec - Honda Procar
Team Honda Challenge-
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Hervé Maillien (B)/Pierre Nirrengarten (B)Result: did not finish (Lighting)
Grid: 37th (3:01.710)
Colours: unknown
Tyres: unknown
Spa 24 Hours24 Francorchamps Proximus Trophy30.7.1995
3232 - Honda Civic - Honda Team VZMHonda Civic - Honda N/AProcar
Honda Team VZMClosed bodywork
Driven by: Radermecker/Michel Maillien (B)/Hervé Maillien (B)Result: did not finish (Cardan joint)
Grid: 20th (2:55.200) - 21st fastest qualifier
Colours: black
Tyres: unknown
Photo updated: 29/11/2006Photo by courtesy of: Joan Albert Larrosa
Spa 24 Hours24 Francorchamps Proximus Trophy28.7.1996
78The car is not available on a photoHonda Civic V-Tec - Honda /Maillien Racing Procar
Ecurie Saint JosseClosed bodywork
Driven by: Michel Maillien (B)/Stefan Van Campenhoudt (B)/M. Schmidt (B)Result: did not finish (Cardan joint)
Grid: 37th (2:58.630)
Colours: white
Tyres: unknown